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Academy Training

Winter academy

We are excited to be hosting our Winter Academy! This 10-week program will allow your child to improve their individual skills and build their knowledge of the game within a comfortable and competitive environment! This training academy will feature skill and positional work along with team tactical training that will be put to the test by playing in game-like drills and match play. We are accepting ages 11 and up! We will be dividing by age group or by skill level. For example, if a player 12-year-old is at the skill level of the 14s, they will move up.


10 Weeks - Friday Nights:

  • 12/6
  • 12/13
  • 1/17
  • 1/24
  • 1/31
  • 2/7
  • 2/14
  • 2/21
  • 2/28
  • 3/7

5:30 - 8:00 PM

Cost: $350 

If you would like to pay by session, it will be $40 per session as you walk in. You will select "Pay by Cash or Check". We will keep track of your weekly payments.